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When you have one or two full-time jobs and you have to take care of kiddos you probably don’t feel like exercising often. When you have some downtime you’d rather sleep then go for a run. Am I right?
Before you convince yourself that you have no time or energy for exercise, think again. Exercising doesn’t drain you of personal energy, it boosts it and this is exactly what working moms need.
The time is now. For many years, you have put your own health at the bottom of the priority list. You`ve let all your needs slide. The years of neglecting your own well-being have left you overweight, frequently tired, and concerned about the example you are setting.
It`s time to show your kids that personal health is important. 💪✔️

The Morning Rush
You get up at 7 a.m. and get yourself ready for work and everyone out the door by 8:30 when you walk your kids to school and then hops to your office. Probably you are not eating until about 10 a.m. when you had a tea and sometimes a greek yogurt at the desk.
Women who skip breakfast often have trouble with food for the rest of the day, often eating too much after dinner. One way to eat less, later on, is to eat something in the morning. Greek yogurt is a good choice because it’s rich in protein, and many find they eat healthier overall when they start the day with protein. You need to eat before you get to work (even just a cheese stick or hard-boiled egg), have the Greek yogurt at 11 a.m., and then eat something every few hours throughout the day to keep the metabolism going and control your appetite.

Skipping Lunch
Bringing your food to work is the top change you can make. It can offer the best weight control results because it stops you from getting too hungry and making bad food choices under stress. One good choice: a basic sandwich with lean turkey, ham, roast beef, or chicken. Put three or four slices on two slices of 50- or 60-calorie bread, add mustard or a 35-calorie cheese spread and you’ve got a satisfying lunch for about 200 calories.

Afternoon Snack Attack
By midafternoon, you feel like not only that you need a snack (especially if you`ve skipped lunch), but you deserve one as a treat for the stress you`ve faced. The vending machine and corner bakery beckon with snacks and a diet cola.
Snack strategically. In your lunch pack, you should include three or four healthy, pre-portioned snacks with 130 or fewer calories. In addition to a midmorning snack, if lunch was at 1, you should have a snack around 3 p.m

Mindless Munching
When you get home, your second shift begins: making dinner for kids, helping them with homework, reading logs and baths, packing lunches for the next day—all before you and husband eat your own dinner around 9:30 p.m. Both you and your kids are hungry and you need something to munch on while all of this activity is going on.
The snacking you do when you first get home or while preparing or cleaning up dinner adds up. Heat a cup of soup, microwave a bag of low-fat popcorn, or put out a plate of raw veggies and fat-free dip, hummus, or portion-controlled guacamole for you and the kids to munch on before dinner.
Eating well and exercising is not about being perfect all the time. It’s about how you respond when things don’t go perfectly. If you take a wrong turn in your car, your GPS tells you to recalculate and puts you back on track. It doesn’t raise its voice and reprimand you. your internal GPS should do the same. If you have an occasional slip, don’t give up and think, I blew it. I might as well eat whatever I want now. Get back on track that same day, and you will reach your goal!!!!
GO, TEAM, YOU!!!!!!!