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Long term goal

Let`s talk!!
I ask you to think of YOUR long term goal, not just right now, but where do you see yourself and what do you see yourself doing?

You got into fitness for a reason. You are motivated by a reason. You set goals. A fire is lite under your a**. You set out to achieve these goals, but your methods are most likely quite extreme. You want results and you want them right now.
But a few months or so down the road you get burnt out and frustrated. You aren’t seeing the progress you want and you are tired because you no longer have the motivation for the extreme. Your mental tank is empty. So you give up.
This lifestyle is NOT temporary. It’s a way of life. Old habits need to be broken. New habits need to be learned and applied. These things take time…a lot of time. Consistency and patience is a virtue. You have to work SMARTER not harder.
I ask you to think of YOUR long term goal, not just right now, but where do you see yourself and what do you see yourself doing? If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing now and it isn’t or HASN’T worked for you, how will it work for you in the future?