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Real life

THIS💭. Is real life. I don’t know if it’s the weather, my personal life, or a hormonal shift, yes hormonal shift-but my headspace is jacked🌪. There’s a whole chunk of life you DON’T see-but it’s there. Slowing me down, questioning my worth, and reminding me why I do what I do. But I keep moving! And shifting focus. And controlling what I can control.
People ask me all the time “how do you stay motivated?” And the truth is, sometimes I’m not. Sometimes I don’t want to workout, I’d rather sit on my couch and watch an SVU marathon. 😁 I do get tired. Motivation will wane. But what always keeps me going is DISCIPLINE. That is the secret to success in every aspect of life. Have the discipline to do what you know needs to be done even when you’re not feeling it so much. You will get better from it, you will be stronger for it.💪

Sometimes you gotta have that breakdown to earn the breakthrough…sincerely-the girl you prob relate to more than you know👯‍♀️❤️