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This is me

It’s about time to introduce myself so – Hi, I’m Kristina!!
I`m a Personal Trainer, Advanced Body Pump instructor, Advanced Grit instructor, Exercise to music instructor, Hard Body coach, and Zumba instructor!
At 40, I’m basically a dinosaur in the fitness industry🦖🤣. I’ve done it all guys, right down handing out protein samples at fitness events, performing at fitness conventions, masterclasses, doing articles, magazines🙃
Since 2003, I’ve been helping people find their way to becoming fitter, healthier, and more confident. I believe a healthy lifestyle is within everyone`s reach, no matter what your background or schedule is!💪✔️
I have fulfilled my biggest dream of becoming a mum🥰!!!!!
I’ve been through some crazy stuff in my lifetime and I’m simply here to keep it real with you.
I’m not selling you anything except good old-fashioned hard work.😎💪
SO HI!! Thank you for being here💗

Proud to be:

Kristina Perestegi-fitness female 1

Proud to be:

PT Diploma za web

Proud to be:

Nutrition Diploma za web

Proud to be the best female PT in 2020 with the Milton Keynes Inspirational Awards. From working at fitness events to teaching masterclasses, featuring in magazines and performing at fitness conventions, and constantly educating on fitness, diet, and nutrition. I have a feeling that I have done it all. So you can rest assured that you will be in the very best hands when it comes to personal training sessions, programs, and services!
All your training and activities will be tailored to you, by your capability, lifestyle, environment, and goals. Based on your lifestyle and nutrition habits, I will build a guide and plan your diet so it fits into your life. I’ll also teach you how to plan your diet and fitness, so you will be able to maintain and sustain your results for life.

Exercise is my release, my sanctuary, my passion, my chance to disconnect from the world, and to reconnect with myself. It’s where I come to release any frustrations. Where I find peace. Each workout I walk away with a new sense of calm and happiness. Fitness to me is not just to look good or be healthy, it’s a way to train my mind and control my focus. There is a lot of commitment and self-motivation needed to stay consistent with something every day. If you can handle that you can handle most anything.🙌


If You have any questions about fitness, nutrition, healthy living or anything else, just drop me a message and I will try to help You!

Kristina Perestegi
Milton Keynes, UK


    Thank you for visiting my site!

    My name is Kristina Perestegi

    I`m a Personal Trainer, Advanced Body Pump instructor, Advanced Grit instructor, Exercise to music instructor, Hard Body coach, and Zumba instructor!

    You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube as well…
