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THIS. Is real life. I don’t know if it’s the weather, my personal life, or a hormonal shift, yes hormonal shift-but my headspace is jacked. There’s a whole chunk of life you DON’T see-but it’s there. Slowing me down, questioning my worth, and reminding me why I do what I do. But I keep moving!

Today is the youngest you will ever be again! Stop WISHING for things to be different this year and DO SOMETHING today to make a change. 1 tiny step is all it takes to start making your life what you want it to be. I’ve sat in despair feeling frozen many times and know firsthand that nothing

When you’re a mom, it feels like a never-ending fight. When you’re a working mom, it’s Mission: Impossible. Let me explain. You track your diet. You work out as much as your schedule allows, but yet and still, your body holds onto the extra pounds like magnets to a refrigerator. Sounds familiar?!! After months (and I do mean

Making the leap into fitness can be a pretty tough one. When you start lifting, a lot of things change. Like your lifestyle, your mindset about the scale, and even the people around you. Fitness is hard enough on its own, but it’s even harder when the people around you are unsupportive. Most of us have

Be your own kind of beautiful ! Do whatever you want. Be whatever you want. It’s starting by letting go of the fear of the judgment of others. You stop living your life and living the life of others. For others. You will never know what you are capable of until you do it. Try it.


Thank you for visiting my site!

My name is Kristina Perestegi

I`m a Personal Trainer, Advanced Body Pump instructor, Advanced Grit instructor, Exercise to music instructor, Hard Body coach, and Zumba instructor!

You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube as well…
