We’re living in “unpredictable times”… but haven’t we always been living in “unpredictable times” – even before COVID?
When have we ever been able to predict tomorrow, or even two minutes from now?
If I live my life telling myself to NOT take action due to the unpredictable times, I would not be where I am today.
Life is about being able to sit in the unpredictable and being ok with it.
I’ve learned that the thing I can predict, however – is my choices.
If I had let unpredictability keep me from pursuing this career (living my dreams), I would’ve never succeeded or even be here talking with you now because I would’ve never come out of my shell or have attempted to take the first step.
Be careful of the words you say because they’re a direct reflection of what you believe is possible for yourself.
What words do you say to yourself about yourself?
If you allow “unpredictable times” aka fear – to keep you from doing what you want to do then it’ll hold you back from any other possible outcome.
Not just today during “these times” but every day.
So how do you predict the future?
How do you get comfortable with the unknown?
During times of uncertainty, I remind myself
“The only way to predict the future is to create it.”
I hope you take that with you and use it.
Bet on YOURSELF, every time.
Trust in yourself.
And no matter what happens in life – know that you can create any outcome if you allow yourself to believe you can.
You’ve got this !!!!